Sunday, January 3, 2010

Upcoming Exhibitions and Events

January 16th 2010

The Logan Regional Gallery
Wembley Road
Logan Central

This will be a Wednesday night, 6pm for 6.30 formalities

I'm really excited about hanging there in the month of January
because I'll be hanging with a selection from all the regional galleries'
collections.  Look out for some local MP's at the event too!

I'll be hanging for the month of January.


Toowoomba Regional Gallery

for the month of May

(no opening - sorry!)


To get yourself invited to the annual Red Frogs charity dinner.

I'm literally painting a charming little, (not so little), red frog which will be

auctioned out to help the Red Frogs volunteers keep our young ones

safe during schoolie's week.

When is this? 

I'll keep you posted!

More Images from Nerida Grace Howland's show....

Latest work by Nerida Grace Howland


My show approaches at the Logan Gallery, Wembley Road, Logan Central.  It on Wednesday 13th January and 6pm.